RBI Grade B Success Story: Ms.Sohini Bhattacharya Cracked the Exam While Working Full-Time

RBI Grade B Success Story - Sohini Bhattacharya

Sohini Bhattacharya didn’t just achieve her dream of becoming an RBI Grade B officer; she conquered it on her first attempt, all while working a full-time job. 

In this article, Sohini shares her inspiring journey and explains how her strategic preparation approach and unwavering determination helped her crack the RBI Grade B exam. 


  • Completed my schooling in West Bengal
  • Achieved 96.8% marks in my 10th grade and 96% marks in my 12th grade
  • Earned a Bachelor of Technology degree in Computer Science and Engineering from the University of Kolkata
  • Pursued an MBA program at the Indian Institute of Management, Amritsar
  • Scored 80% marks in my post-graduation
  • Held a management trainee position at ICICI Bank at the time of my RBI Grade B selection.
RBI Grade B

Brief Introduction

I have done my schooling in West Bengal. In my ICSE, which is the 10th board, I scored 96.8%, and in the ISC, the 12th board, I scored 96%. Following that, I pursued my B.Tech degree in Computer Science and Engineering from the University of Kolkata. 

During my studies there, I secured the third position in the department with an impressive 87% marks. After graduating in 2021, I immediately joined the Indian Institute of Management Amritsar for an MBA program. I completed my post-graduation in 2023 with 80% marks.

My Hobbies

In my school days, I actively pursued Kathak dance training. During the COVID-19 pandemic, I discovered a passion for writing poetry. I even published a few pieces on my YouTube channel. However, the demanding MBA program, followed by the challenge of balancing work and exam preparation, left me with limited time for hobbies. 

Fortunately, with things settling down, I’m excited to make a comeback and re-engage with these creative pursuits. 

How I Came to Know About the RBI Grade B Exam

Right after my B.Tech in 2021, I considered appearing for the UPSC CSE exam. However, it was a time heavily impacted by COVID-19, leading to significant uncertainty in both the job market and personal lives. Coincidentally, I had also secured admission to the IIM MBA program. 

Given the uncertain nature of the UPSC CSE exam with the pandemic, I opted to pursue the MBA course right away, allowing me to plan my next steps later. As it turned out, joining the IIM proved to be a fortunate decision. During my studies, I developed an interest in finance. 

My interest was further fueled by one of my professors who used to coach new RBI Grade B recruits at the Reserve Bank Staff College in Chennai. He introduced me to the RBI Grade B exam, which ultimately paved the way for my aspiration to become an RBI Grade B officer. 

My MBA professor, who used to coach new RBI Grade B recruits, introduced me to the RBI Grade B exam.

RBI Grade B

My Motivation

In my first year of the MBA program, I was introduced to a wide range of subjects, including finance, HR, and marketing. This exposure sparked my interest in finance, and I began to consider career paths in the field of finance beyond the corporate world. 

After learning about the RBI Grade B exam, I researched the work profile and work-life balance associated with the position. I found that the RBI boasts over 30 departments, offering a diverse career path. 

Furthermore, joining the RBI as a Grade B officer at a young age (around 25-26 years old) translates to a potential career stint of 33-34 years within the Reserve Bank of India. This extended tenure allows for rotations through various departments, many of which have a strong financial focus. 

I found it very appealing that RBI plays a pivotal role in significantly shaping the nation’s economy. The prospect of serving the nation in such a direct and impactful way within the finance field became my primary motivation for pursuing the RBI Grade B exam.

Serving the nation by shaping its economy became my primary motivation for pursuing the RBI Grade B exam.

How EduTap Helped in My RBI Grade B Preparation

I began preparing for the RBI Grade B exam around October 2022. At that time, I enrolled in EduTap’s Gold course, which included preparation materials for both Phase 1 and Phase 2 of the exam. However, my dedicated preparation began after the release of the official notification in May 2023. 

 I enrolled in EduTap’s Gold course, which included preparation materials for both Phase 1 and Phase 2 of the exam.

How I Balanced Job and RBI Grade B Preparation

After completing my post-graduation, I joined ICICI as a management trainee, which presented a challenge in terms of balancing work and studying. To overcome this, I implemented a time management RBI Grade B strategy. After work each day, I dedicated 3-4 hours to studying. On weekends, I maximized my study time, aiming for 10-12 hours per day.

After work each day, I dedicated 3-4 hours to studying, and I maximized my study time on weekends, aiming for 10-12 hours per day.

My RBI Grade B Preparation Strategy

My RBI Grade B Phase 1 strategy revolved around leveraging my existing knowledge of finance and management gained during the MBA program. Since these subjects are important for both Phase 1 and 2, I prioritized covering them before covering the syllabus of Phase 1. 

Three weeks before the RBI Grade B Phase 1, I started practicing Phase 1 mock tests. This allowed me to refresh my learnings and identify areas needing improvement. My quantitative aptitude was weak then, so I dedicated more time to strengthening this area before Phase 1. After Phase 1, I attempted Phase 2 mock tests and practiced writing answers.

My quantitative aptitude was weak then, so I dedicated more time to strengthening this area before Phase 1. 

My RBI Grade B Quantitative Aptitude Strategy

During my initial EduTap mock tests for the RBI grade B Phase 1, I discovered that I was not able to clear the sectional cut-off of the quant section. This realization prompted me to adjust my RBI Grade B Phase 1 preparation strategy. 

Instead of attempting all quant section questions, I decided to focus on fortifying my strengths. I concentrated my preparation on specific high-scoring topics, aiming to attempt only those questions in the actual exam. I aimed to attempt limited quant questions just to clear the sectional cut-off. 

I strategically avoided overly ambitious attempts that could lead to negative marking penalties. So, that was my strategy even in the actual RBI Grade B Phase 1 exam. I scored very low in Phase 1 but cleared the overall and sectional cut-offs and got what was needed.

I attempted EduTap mock tests for the RBI grade B Phase 1. My quant was weak. So, I aimed to attempt limited quant questions just to clear the sectional cut-off. 

Importance of Positive Approach in My RBI Grade B Journey

During my internship, I eagerly awaited an offer from the RBI, but unfortunately, it wasn’t meant to be. While I initially settled for another opportunity, that experience significantly shifted my perspective. 

I embraced the belief that every situation has a positive side, and this newfound optimism became a turning point. Since then, I’ve noticed a positive change in the trajectory of my life. This unwavering optimism has undoubtedly played a key role in my success in the RBI Grade B journey.

My belief that every situation has a positive side played a key role in my success in the RBI Grade B journey.

RBI Grade B Phase 1

My Support System

Leading up to the RBI Grade B Phase 2, I faced the challenge of balancing work and exam preparation. Since I was still employed, I took a one-week leave of absence right before the exam. 

This allowed me to dedicate 12-15 hours per day solely to studying during the crucial pre-exam period. During this time, I received incredible support from my family. They ensured I had everything I needed to focus on my studies and offered unwavering moral support. 

My father, a retired Indian Revenue Service Officer who held the commissioner of income tax position, and my mother, who currently works in a government school in West Bengal, understood the demanding nature of cracking a government exam. Their unwavering belief and encouragement played a vital role in keeping me motivated.

Moreover, my beloved pet cat remained a constant companion throughout my preparation journey, from Phase 1 to Phase 2 and even the interview. Sadly, she wasn’t there to hear about my results, as she passed away in November. Despite her absence, I firmly believe her presence, blessings, and love provided unwavering support throughout my journey.

My parents’ unwavering belief and encouragement played a vital role in keeping me motivated.

Important of Disciplined RBI Grade B Preparation

While motivation is important, it can fluctuate. Without discipline, you won’t dedicate the necessary effort. Just working hard isn’t enough. You need a strategic approach and discipline to ensure you show up and study daily, regardless of obstacles. Here’s what I did:

Created a Daily Plan: Every morning, I outlined the material I aimed to cover that day. While I didn’t always achieve 100%, I consistently strived for 60-70% completion and revisited any missed portions the following day. This consistent, disciplined approach proved invaluable in the long run.

How to Overcome Procrastination

My basic mantra was to treat each attempt as my final one. Don’t get complacent, thinking you have multiple chances. This mindset can lead to procrastination. 

Choose Limited RBI Grade B Preparation Resources

Sticking to a maximum of two reliable sources is helpful in your RBI Grade B preparation. Your source could be a course, book, online study material, or a newspaper for current affairs. Avoid the temptation to seek out new resources constantly.

For example, transcripts from previous interviewees will be readily available before the interview. Avoid getting overwhelmed or discouraged by these resources. Don’t let the fear of not knowing everything take hold. Trust your chosen resources and prepare accordingly. This is what I followed throughout my journey.

Keep your resources limited and avoid the temptation to seek out new resources constantly.

Importance of RBI Grade B Mock Tests

In the three weeks leading up to RBI Grade B Phase 1, I shifted my focus entirely to mock tests. I completed all ten mock tests offered by EduTap, which not only helped me improve my strengths but also exposed my weaknesses.

Before Phase 2, I practiced extensively with full-length and sectional RBI Grade B mock tests. These tests not only improved my answer writing but also strengthened my typing speed, a crucial skill for the long five-and-a-half-hour exam. 

Mock tests ensure you’re prepared for the fatigue that sets in towards the end when the English section awaits. Without this practice, performing well in the exam without getting tired can be challenging. Similarly, mock interviews proved invaluable in identifying areas for improvement before the real interview.

I completed all ten mock tests offered by EduTap.

How I Overcame My Fears

During my initial RBI Grade B Phase 1 preparation, I became discouraged when I wasn’t able to clear the sectional cut-off of the quantitative aptitude section. However, as I mentioned earlier, my family provided unwavering support, encouraging me to focus on my strengths and give it my best shot. 

Similarly, when my performance in the initial RBI Grade B Phase 2 mock tests was not up to the mark, I sought feedback from mentors and faculty members. After working on my strategy according to their suggestions, I significantly performed better in the actual RBI grade B Phase 2 exam.

I took feedback from EduTap’s faculty and by adapting their suggestions, I performed well in the actual RBI Grade B Phase 2 exam.

After RBI Grade B Result

The feeling of cracking the RBI Grade B exam has finally settled in, but the initial result announcement felt surreal. Achieving this success on my first attempt was truly a dream come true.

I want to mention that during the first year of my MBA internship, I was desperately trying to get a spot in the RBI, but unfortunately, it wasn’t meant to be that year. However, the universe had other plans, and here I am, now a part of the same organization as a Grade B officer. It’s truly an incredible feeling!

My Future Plans

I envision my entire career evolving within the Reserve Bank of India. I’m eager to see how far I can progress and climb the promotional ladder. My current focus is to dedicate my best efforts to RBI and maximize the potential of this incredible opportunity.

RBI Grade B

RBI Grade B Preparation Tips

The most important tip I can offer is to believe in yourself in your good and bad days. The same is true for being disciplined. RBI Grade B preparation is all about showing up every day, trusting your chosen resources and intuition, and giving it your all on exam day, no matter what.

Here is a video in which Ms.Sohini Bhattacharya explains her RBI Grade B preparation strategy.


Sohini Bhattacharya’s RBI Grade B journey is an inspiration for aspirants dreaming of becoming an RBI officer. Here are the valuable insights from her journey:

  • Identify your weaknesses and work on them while focusing on your strengths.
  • Utilize limited but reliable resources.
  • Create a daily study plan and dedicate focused hours each day.
  • Leverage weekends for extended study sessions.
  • Believe in yourself and celebrate small progress.
  • View setbacks as opportunities for growth.
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